Our therapy programs for people seeking treatment include Dolphin Accompanied CranioSacral Therapy Integrative Programs (DATIP), Comprehensive Therapy Programs (CTPs), and Therapy Programs specifically for Veterans with PTSD. {Scroll further down on this page for more details.}
For therapists seeking to expand and deepen their CST treatment experience, we encourage you to join us as support therapists in our client programs!
The format for these programs is generally the same, whether they are land-based or aquatically focused. Each day of the 4 or 5 day group therapy experience includes a morning circle where clients are able to share significant parts of their therapy process and learn with each other; a couple hours of CranioSacral Therapy treatment in the morning; a break for lunch; and further multihands CST treatments in the afternoon. Schedule details and adjunctive therapy opportunities vary by program, location, and staffing availability. Our therapeutic approach is always based in and integrated through Upledger CranioSacral Therapy.
Integrative Intentions conducts all of our therapy programs and classes within the Upledger paradigm, and our EcoSomatics™theme: integrating animal participation in our CST sessions whenever possible. In the DATIP, we integrate dolphins into the therapeutic experience. These programs are held in Freeport, on Grand Bahama Island, and carry on the dream and vision that Dr. John Upledger had for free and willing interactions with dolphins with the intention of healing. The Comprehensive and Veterans Therapy Programs are held in various locations worldwide. We integrate aquatic CST treatments when the facilities allow, and actively seek out locations where equine facilitated CST is a possibility.
For therapists interested in specific trainings, we invite you to participate in our BioAquatics™ Exploration Classes. These classes are based in the principles and practices of Upledger CranioSacral Therapy. Our curriculum focuses on techniques that can enhance and expand any CST practice, while allowing the students to explore our intention to connect with and care for beings as a unique whole within the greater context of our connections to the world around us.
In some therapy program settings, we are also able to offer individual MultiHands Therapist Mentoring.
We invite you to participate in these therapy programs and classes, which provide a unique opportunity for multi therapist experience, inter-species connections and cooperation that continue Dr. Upledger’s vision for CranioSacral Therapy and healing as a group process.
“Come with no expectations. Only plan to trust the universe, therapists, your surroundings & body, and know that all of those things are working for your greater good.”
-Tandi J.
Comprehensive Therapy Program
We invite you to attend a Comprehensive Therapy Program (CTP) where CranioSacral Therapy integrates multiple modalities of treatment in a 5-day program that effectively and profoundly facilitates healing. Our programs are held at various national and international locations staffed by our diverse community of therapists.
The Comprehensive Therapy Programs are designed for 8 to 11 clients. The programs are held over five consecutive days with morning and afternoon treatment sessions. Since continuity is very important in these programs, we encourage you to participate in all five days.
All clients will be treated in a large space in the treatment facility during the therapy day but will also have use of other therapeutic facilities (where available) such as a heated pool, barn or yard for equine therapy or a massage room, if the client and therapy team wish to utilize them (available facilities depend on the program location). During a CTP, there may be as many as 30 to 40 therapists present. Therapist/Client teams are organized and changed each day. The team consists of a Primary Therapist and one or more Support Therapists for each client, each day. An adjunctive therapist may be available to provide a specific treatment modality such as acupuncture to enhance the treatments.
2025 Client Cost for 5 Day CTP: $4,320
There is no charge to be a Support Therapist in the program.
Please contact us if you are interested in joining us!
What to Expect
Each day starts at 9 am with a meeting for all clients, therapists and caregivers. The initial meeting will be for everyone to introduce themselves.
Meetings over the next four days are for discussions of the treatments from the previous day.
We break for an hour and a half for lunch and then resume therapy sessions until around 3:30 pm.
Bathroom or comfort breaks at any time are jointly agreed upon by the client and the Primary Therapist.
If you are planning on bringing a caregiver or relative(s), please let us know so that we may plan accordingly.
Caregivers and relatives are welcome.
Please include information regarding any special needs.
Therapy Programs are offered at various locations throughout the US and oversees. Depending upon the location, meals may or may not be included. Please check with Integrative Intentions administration to plan accordingly.
If you have special diet needs, please let us know and/or plan to bring special food with you.
Payment is fully transferable and refundable up until 60 days prior to the start of the program. Within 60 days, a $500 fee is retained for transfers or cancellations.
Cancellations within 30 days of the start date are subject to a fee of 50% of the cost, as by this point, funds have been allocated and partially dispersed for facilities and staffing based on the current number of clients.
Cancellations within 2 weeks of the program will result in the loss of all payments.
In the event of last-minute emergency circumstances necessitating cancellation or reschedule, your payment can be transferred to a future program for only the $500 administrative fee.
All requests for transfers or cancellations must be received in writing.
In the unlikely event that unforeseen circumstances necessitate III cancelling or postponing a program, we will make every effort to accommodate participants' schedules by transferring them to another scheduled Therapy Program. If this isn't possible, fees are refunded in full; we are not liable for travel or other associated expenses.
A deposit is required with registration in order to confirm your place in the program.
After you have registered, you will receive additional information about the program you are attending.
Kat Plasencio, CST-D, Director, Therapy Team Coordinator
Maia Swanson, CST-D, Director of Operations
Kat and Maia may also work as Primary Therapists during Therapy Programs.
Our Primary Therapists have completed extensive training in CranioSacral Therapy (CST) and SomatoEmotional Release (SER) through the Upledger Institute and most are UI Diplomate certified.
Our support and adjunctive therapists have completed various levels of CST. All adjunctive therapists are certified in their specific field(s).
Our therapeutic approach is always founded in Upledger CranioSacral Therapy, and when we have the opportunity we may integrate other modalities. Many of our therapists are trained in a wide range of varying therapeutic modalities.
These may include: acupuncture, tuina, aquatic therapies, breathwork, Feldenkrais, Inter-Species accompanied therapies (i.e. dolphin or equine facilitated therapy), chiropractic, Lymphatic Drainage Therapy, massage, Myofascial Release, Non-Directive Hypnotherapy, Sensory Integration, Neural and Visceral Manipulation, and Zero Balancing.

Dolphin ACCOMPANIed CRaniosacral Therapy INTEGRATIVE ProgramS
We invite you (as a client or therapist) to attend a Dolphin Accompanied CranioSacral Therapy Integrative Program where, like the Comprehensive Therapy Programs, multihands CranioSacral Therapy is used to integrate multiple modalities of treatment in a 4-day program that effectively and profoundly facilitates healing. These programs are held in Freeport, Grand Bahamas and staffed by our diverse community of therapists.
Through dolphin accompanied CST, we continue the tradition of our shared sense of Dr. Upledger's vision for respectful, free, and willing interaction between dolphins and humans with intentions for healing. The dolphins are free to interact, or not, with the clients and therapy teams. The dolphins' therapeutic interactions within the programs is entirely voluntary, as well as completely natural (they are not trained in any way to “treat” clients).
The facility where the dolphin interaction portion of these programs happens is one of the top in the world, with truly caring management and trainers. The dolphins' safety and well-being is put first at all times. They are in natural seawater and have regular access to the open ocean, in addition to consistent medical care and a nutritionally ideal diet.
The dolphins' free and willing participation ensures a unique experience for each client.
2025 Client Cost for 4 Day DATIP Program: $7,545
There is no charge to be a Support Therapist in the program. Interested in being a support therapist for DATIP? Click here for more information.
What to expect
Participants meet daily at 9:00 a.m. in The Canal House at Pelican Bay in Port Lucaya, Freeport, Bahamas. The first day's meeting is for orientation and introductions. Subsequent morning gatherings are for sharing and processing the previous day's events.
Please wear your bathing suit under your clothes so you are ALWAYS ready to get in the water. We also recommend you bring a towel and clothes to change into later.
After the morning meeting, we take a short bus ride to Sanctuary Bay for the dolphin based part of the therapy program.
Participants spend approximately half an hour in multiple-therapist sessions in the water where dolphins are present and free to interact with the group as they wish. {Research has shown that thirty minutes a day is the optimal amount of time to spend with the dolphins.}
Upon our return to Port Lucaya, we break for lunch for one and a half hours. There are numerous restaurants in Port Lucaya adjacent to the meeting room at Pelican Bay.
The remainder of the day is spent in multi-therapist sessions on land or in the water.
Sometimes we are able to take either a boat or taxi to a remote beach and have treatment sessions in the ocean. The water surrounding the island is generally quite shallow, and aquatic CST in the ocean does not require you to swim.
Specific details will be sent to you upon registration.
If you plan to bring a caregiver, or you are a caregiver or support for a client and plan to attend a therapy program, please let us know so that we may plan accordingly.
Please include information regarding any special needs.
Dolphin Assisted CranioSacral Therapy programs are currently offered only in Port Lucaya, in Freeport, Grand Bahama.
There are many options for lodging and meals. Meals are not included in these programs.
Payment is fully transferable and refundable up until 60 days prior to the start of the program. Within 60 days, a $700 fee is retained for transfers or cancellations.
Cancellations within 30 days of the start date are subject to a fee of 50% of the cost, as by this point, funds have been allocated and partially dispersed for facilities and staffing based on the current number of clients.
Cancellations within 2 weeks of the program will result in the loss of all payments.
In the event of last-minute personal circumstances necessitating cancellation or reschedule, your payment can be transferred to a future program for only the $700 administrative fee.
A deposit is required with registration in order to confirm your place in the program.
After you have registered, you will receive specific information about the program you are attending.
Kat Perry, CST-D, Director, Program Coordinator
Maia Swanson, CST-D, Program Coordinator
Our Primary Therapists have completed extensive training in CranioSacral Therapy (CST) and SomatoEmotional Release (SER) through the Upledger Institute and most are UI Diplomate certified.
Our support and adjunctive therapists have completed various levels of CST. All adjunctive therapists are certified in their specific field(s).
Program therapists are trained in a wide range of other therapeutic modalities.
These include: acupuncture, tuina, aquatic therapies, breathwork, Feldenkrais, Inter-Species assisted therapies (i.e. dolphin or equine facilitated therapy), chiropractic, Lymphatic Drainage Therapy, massage, Myofascial Release, Non-Directive Hypnotherapy, Sensory Integration, Visceral Manipulation and Zero Balancing.
Veterans Therapy
Integrative Intentions is serving veterans through individual therapy with our worldwide community of therapists, as well as through Comprehensive Therapy Programs, and Integrative Intentions coordinated Personal Intergrative Programs.
Integrative Intentions is active with the Upledger Institute in continuing efforts to help veterans recover from the traumas of war. Dr. Upledger initiated the landmark Upledger Intensive Therapy Program for Vietnam veterans in 1993. This was followed by a series of 10-day intensive therapy programs in 1999 along with accompanying research. Integrative Intentions is intent on continuing this tradition, and is instrumental in coordinating the yearly Integrative Programs for veterans with PTSD at the Upledger Institute in Palm Beach Gardens, FL.
We have extensive experience in helping meet the needs of veterans. We have extended and developed therapy programs to assist veterans from all conflict regions. Our programs have proven successful in helping veterans and their families find recovery from post traumatic stress and related issues.
We would also be happy to recommend someone from our Integrative Intentions community of therapists who is actively providing services for veterans. We offer veterans complimentary spaces in our Integrative Intentions Trauma Recovery Clinical Programs and complimentary individual sessions are available at the Upledger Institute clinic in Palm Beach Gardens, FL for veterans with PTSD. Please consider joining us for a program. Frequently, we have seen that progress in individual healing processes happens most efficiently in our group programs. We can put you in contact with a veteran who has been in therapy with us at your request.
2025 Client Cost for 5 Day Therapy Program: $4,100
Financial assistance is often available- you can email us your ASSISTANCE APPLICATION or CONTACT US for further support.
If you have any questions, you may personally and confidentially contact us by calling: 772-349-5799.

BioAquatic™ Exploration classes
All BioAquatic™ Exploration classes have the same basic format and are designed to complement the Upledger core curriculum. The introductory BioAquatic Exploration classes are open to therapists with varying levels of CST training. The Shared Connections BioAquatic Exploration class (BAER) is open to therapists with CST training and people with whom they share a relationship.
The BioAquatic™ Exploration classes prepare therapists to participate in the Dolphin Accompanied CranioSacral Therapy Integrative Programs (DATIP). In order to be a support therapist in a DATIP, at least one prior BioAquatic Exploration (BAEC, BAES, or BAEA) class is required for all therapists. The BioAquatics: Advanced Dolphin Assisted CST (BADA) class is recommended for all therapists and is required for DATIP Primary Therapists.
The format for the introductory BioAquatic™ Exploration courses includes: Instruction in basic techniques for multihands and aquatic CranioSacral Therapy, as well as dolphin accompanied CST; daily CST sessions; the opportunity for each participant to share and process significant parts of the course & their healing process; a swim with the dolphins; the opportunity to practice BioAquatic CST in the ocean; and the chance to experience a Dolphin Accompanied CST session.
The format for BADA includes daily Dolphin Accompanied CST sessions, and a more focused and in-depth exploration of the practices and principles of CST in general, as well as within the BioAquatic™paradigm.
2025 Tuition for Introductory BioAquatic Courses: {BAEC, BAES, BAEA, BAER} $2,510
2025 Tuition for BADA: $3,685
Class Requirements & Format
(BAEC) requires completion of CranioSacral Therapy I, and students of any subsequent level of education in the UI curriculum may attend.
This four day techniques-focused class begins your education in BioAquatics and Dolphin Assisted Therapy.
You will be able to spend time in the water with dolphins, learning and practicing Dolphin Assisted CranioSacral Therapy. You will also experience the multi-therapist application of CranioSacral Therapy techniques while working in small groups in the water.
2025 Tuition for BAEC: $2,510
(BAES) requires the completion of SomatoEmotional Release I.
This four day class allows you to spend time in the water with dolphins, discovering the magic of these wise and sensitive creatures as well as explore, integrate and apply CranioSacral Therapy techniques with BioAquatics and dolphin-assisted dynamics.
You will also experience the multi-therapist application of CranioSacral Therapy techniques while working in small groups in the water.
2025 Tuition for BAES: $2,510
(BAEA) requires the completion of CranioSacral Therapy- Advanced I and a prior BioAquatic course (BAEC OR BAES).
You will learn and experience the multi-therapist application of Advanced CranioSacral Therapy techniques while working in small groups in the water, as well as traditional land-based settings, and have the opportunity to experience and practice Dolphin Assisted CranioSacral Therapy.
You will explore, integrate and apply Advanced CranioSacral Therapy techniques with BioAquatic and dolphin-assisted dynamics.
2025 Tuition for BAEA: $2,510
(BAER) This workshop blends CranioSacral Therapy (CST), BioAquatic CST techniques, and relationship enhancement skills. This combination offers the opportunity for participants to share these experiences with someone close to them who does not have a CST background.
A CST practitioner who meets the prerequisite of having taken CranioSacral Therapy 1 (CS1 in the Upledger curriculum) may bring a non-therapist partner: significant other, colleague, friend, family member- any adult relationship except clients. Each therapist may be joined by up to two others, who are not required to be therapists. They only need to be open to receiving at least one Aquatic CranioSacral Therapy session per day and be supportive of others during their sessions in the water or on the table.
Individual registrations are not available for this class.
2025 Tuition for BAER: $2,510
(BADA) requires the completion of SomaroEmotional Release 2 and two previous BioAquatics Exploration classes (BAEC, BAES, BAEA).
This class is part of our therapist training program for Dolphin Accompanied CranioSacral Therapy. This class focuses on Dolphin Accompanied CranioSacral Therapy: each student will be both a client and a therapist in a DAT session each day. Class discussions will include sharing about each of these experiences.
There will also be instruction in techniques, and the principles and practices of somatic therapy in general and DACST specifically.
2025 Tuition for BADA: $3.685
Each 4 day class will include:
· Dolphin Accompanied Therapy session(s)
· A dolphin swim (except for the BADA class)
· Techniques and practice of multihands Aquatic CranioSacral Therapy
· Table therapy when appropriate
· CranioSacral Therapy sessions in the ocean
· Discussion, sharing, and therapeutic processing of significant experiences
· Exploration of inter-species interaction, communication and healing

individual Therapist Mentoring Program
Integrative Intentions has initiated a situation-specific Multihands Mentoring Program for Comprehensive Therapy and Dolphin Assisted CranioSacral Therapy programs. First time attending Support Therapists will be encouraged to enroll in this program, and returning therapists may also enroll.
The mentoring program is designed to be personalized and tailored to individual goals, so we request that you send us a statement outlining what you would like from your time with a mentor. Integrative Intentions will select Primary Therapists to provide the mentoring, so this step will help us pair you with the person best suited to your needs and intentions.
What to expect & Mentor requirements
The mentor will provide four hours of one-on-one mentoring during a Comprehensive Therapy Program.
This will involve time outside the regular therapy program: mornings, lunch time, evenings and may include days before and/or after the program.
A one hour therapy session with the mentor is offered as 1 of the 4 hours, as well as an opportunity for the mentor to receive a session in order to provide feedback.
A tuition fee of $650 for mentoring.
Each mentor must be UI Diplomate Certified and be able to:
∙ Create and maintain a safe therapeutic container for the client and the entire therapy team
∙ Exhibit the people skills necessary to be a good mentor
∙ Undergo peer review
∙ Participate as a therapist in at least one therapy program per year
∙ Participate in the mentoring team meetings