Our History
We hold that life begins with a dream, a vision for what is to come and how best to serve in its co-creation.
We hold that life begins with a dream, a vision for what is to come and how best to serve in its co-creation.
A significant feature of our dream is being with the land, the water, other species and each other in a process of co-healing and integration.
In 2003, Integrative Intentions developed the Comprehensive Therapy Programs (CTP). These programs have their origin in the Upledger Intensive Therapy Programs designed by Dr. Upledger and offered at the Upledger Clinic. With Dr. Upledger's approval, Kat and Chas Perry have offered Comprehensive Therapy Programs at various locations nationally including: California, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Missouri, New Mexico, Oregon, Washington, and internationally including: Columbia, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Panama, Portugal, Turkey and Sri Lanka.
Since its inception, Integrative Intentions and its founders have been integral to the Upledger Institute's BioAquatics™ classes and Dolphin Assisted CranioSacral Therapy Programs (DACT). Chas designed the first BioAquatics Exploration™ (BAE) class and together Chas and Kat developed the Dolphin Assisted CranioSacral Therapy Programs (DACT). Integrative Intentions assumed sole responsibility for these classes and programs in 2008 and established the Integrative Intentions Center in Truth or Consequences, New Mexico in 2009. In 2011, a cooperative relationship with Upledger Institute International was finalized so the BioAquatics Exploration™ classes and Dolphin Assisted Therapy programs would continue and be stewarded by Integrative Intentions.
Integrative Intentions has also developed and provided educational opportunities through classes, therapy programs, presentations, workshops, therapist retreats and mentoring. The theme of EcoSomatics™ is an on-going effort to integrate and support an ecology of health and well-being that includes other species and our environment into a variety of offerings. Integrative Intentions has naturally unfolded as a community of therapists who work together to provide healthcare services through various programs.
The Integrative Intentions Center, located in Truth or Consequences, New Mexico, provides classroom and clinical space, a hot springs aquatic therapy facility, administrative offices and community space for events and retreats. Of particular attraction is the presence of hot springs - a source of healing offered by the earth and spirit. Historically the area was known as Ojo Caliente de las Palomas (Hot Springs of the Doves). The Integrative Intentions community of therapists, students, clients and staff continue to be an integral part of the continuing development of the center and its programs, providing the heart and soul of Integrative Intentions.